Baksev Tarihçe

Uzun yıllar boyunca sanatı el üstünde tutmuş bir köyün içinden:


Bademler köyü ve onların sanat sevgisini güçlendiren ve zenginleştiren deneyimler sunmak isteyen bu sanat köyü; gelişmeyi ve deneyimlemeyi esas alarak kurulmaktadır. Bademler Köyü’nün içinde yer alan Sanat köyünde Musa Baran Çocuk Oyuncakları ve Sabiha Tansuğ Etnografya Sergisi, restoranlar, kafeler, atölyeler ve konaklama alanları yer almaktadır. Sabiha Tansuğ’un kültürel mirasımızı yarınlara ulaştırmak için oluşturduğu olağanüstü koleksiyonu ile Anadolu kültürü hakkında bilgi vermek ve Musa Baran’ın geçmişten bugüne kadar taşıdığı çocuk oyuncaklarının kültürel ve zamansız yolculuğunu deneyimleyerek yaşatmayı hedeflemektedir.

Konaklamak veya ziyaret etmek isteyen insanlara bir dizi atölye ve programlar sunan bu köy; misafirlerini konakladıkları süre boyunca sanatla ve doğayla iç içe yaşatmayı planlamaktadır. Bademler Sanat Köyü; profesyonel ve Bademler Köyü Kültür Sanat Derneği oyuncuları tarafından yürütülen tiyatro gibi gösteri sanatlarından baskı resim gibi güzel sanatlara, pastacılık gibi mutfak sanatlarına kadar çeşitli sanat atölyelerine ev sahipliği yapıyor. Özel programlar aracılığıyla, misafirlere keyifli zaman geçirmeyi ve herkeste sanat bilinci oluşturmayı hedefliyor. Sanatçı olsun ya da olmasın, benzer düşünen yaratıcı insanları sanatlarını keşfetmelerine, kutlamalarına ve yaymalarına yardımcı olmak için bir araya getirmektedir


Bademler is located in the middle of the strait between Güzelbahçe and Seferihisar districts in the west of İzmir. The village, located on a hill west of the highway, is 35 km from İzmir, 10 km from Seferihisar and 9 km from Urla. The nearest villages are Turgut, Düzce (Hereke), Ulamış, İhsaniye, Ovacık, Çamlı, Gölcük and Gödence. A story is told about the settlement history of the village, which has a population of approximately 2000...


The communities that lived as nomads until 1825 and were called Tahtacı because of the work they did were forced to settle down by the Ottomans. The tribes that cut wood and made wooden items for Kızıldağ and the surrounding villages eventually moved down to the nearest villages. Thus, Narlıdere became the center, Güzelbahçe Yaka neighborhood, Uzundere, Naldöken and Cumaovası Barbaros neighborhood and Bademler were established in its surroundings.

The first families that came to the Bademler area first settled on a hill close to the Ulamış village. Ulamışlı Mestan Ağa pointed to the current location of the village and stated that it was more suitable for settlement. The families settled on this hill with 12 tents. This hill will be called “Bademler” from now on because of the few almond trees here.

In the village, where olive, viticulture and tobacco farming were carried out for many years, thanks to the Agricultural Development Cooperative established in 1962, new job opportunities were opened and the opportunity to go to Germany as workers arose. 


Since Bademler Village is an Alevi-Tahtacı-Turkmen village, it has always been on the side of secular and Ataturkist administrations, educational and cultural activities. 


In this village where the literacy rate is 100%, the villagers have received a great deal of reward for the importance they have given to education with the important statesmen and cultural figures they have raised. Former Minister of Customs and Monopoly Mahmut Türkmenoğlu, İzmir Deputy Türkan Miçooğulları and Ephesus and Miletus Museum Director Archaeologist Dr. Musa Baran are important figures who grew up in Bademler Village.


There has been a branch of the Izmir Atatürk Provincial Public Library in Bademler for years. In addition to organizations such as the Health Center, Agricultural Technicianship, the Culture and Art Association, the Avcılar Club, the Tahtacı Culture and Solidarity Association, and the Youth and Sports Club are also located in the village.


The people of Bademler, who have easily kept up with modern developments, still preserve their traditional identity and consider saints such as Abdal Musa in Elmalı, Antalya, Hamza Baba near Turgutlu, Manisa and Samut Baba in Urla, Izmir and many areas around the village as sacred.

There are important days celebrated with enthusiasm in the village such as Sultan Navruz, Hıdırellez, Deniz Bayramı and Derme Deşirme day.


On Navruz and Hıdırellez, young people have fun until late at night, they light fires in the village, jump over them, and in groups of boys and girls, they steal fruit from the gardens with the knowledge of the owner.


Deniz Bayramı is celebrated every year on August 18-19. In the past, all the people of Bademler would leave all their work that morning and go to the sea by horse, car, tractor or even on foot. Today, they still use their own vehicles to get there. The place to go for Deniz Bayramı is Azmak Bay, opposite Sığacık Harbor. Here, they roll out dough, make bişi (pişi), sacrifice animals, eat, drink and have fun.