All the products in our store are handmade and have no equivalent. Each one has been selected with great care and meticulousness and presented to our valued customers. With our stance against the fast-paced consumer culture of the modern world, we offer our visitors products with unique stories. These special products are works shaped by the hands of their masters and reflect their spirit.
Each of our handcrafted products has a different story and meaning. Some combine traditional motifs of ancient times with modern designs; some are created by taking inspiration from nature. Each product goes beyond being just an aesthetic object and also attracts attention with its historical and cultural values.
As the Museum Store, these unique products that we offer to our valued visitors are not only a shopping experience, but also an opportunity to bring art and culture into your living spaces. Against the fast and superficial consumption habits of the modern age, we are here with carefully selected, high-quality and meaningful products. Each piece has a value that can be passed down from generation to generation. You can follow our bskmagza Instagram page to examine our products more closely.
Our store, which has adopted the mission of keeping art and handicraft alive, offers you not only a shopping experience but also a cultural journey. We hope that you will be a part of a different story with each visit and create your own story with these unique works.